Wellness Wednesday
admin@hmichanti2022-08-30T16:43:51-06:00Wellness Wednesday… What’s that? Day ten… the waves… they just haven’t stopped pumping… My entire existence for the past week [...]
Wellness Wednesday… What’s that? Day ten… the waves… they just haven’t stopped pumping… My entire existence for the past week [...]
Cuando un local te dice que las condiciones están perfectas para ir a buscar olas hazle caso. Siempre existirá una [...]
One of the tours offered by Michanti Hotel is the Ultralight Tour in El Salvador. When we were given the [...]
The community workouts on the beach of El Zonte are a reality today thanks to coach Iggy’s determination during the [...]
The MEDUSAS WAX is a project that originated from Sean Drake (a good friend and guest of Michanti Home of [...]
I sat cross-legged on the floor of my boyfriend‘s room, listening to him ramble about some place (Hotel Michanti), some guy (Felipe), and some super sick surf spot (El Zonte) before I couldn’t take it anymore. I had the itch to take [...]
My childhood buddy/ex-college roommate Erik calls me up one day and says «I want to come and visit with some [...]
El Salvador had been on lockdown for months now and the airport had just announced the re-aperture for Oct 19. [...]
Ni bien supieron que su paraíso en la tierra había abierto sus fronteras, Mimi Barona de Ecuador y Lucía Indurain [...]
Way back in the 1970s, two gringos rolled into El Salvador in a beat-up VW bus. Kevin Naughton and Craig Peterson [...]
Carretera La Litoral, KM 53.5,
Playa El Zonte, segunda entrada.
Hotel Michanti