Wellness Wednesday
Wellness Wednesday… What’s that? Day ten… the waves… they just haven’t stopped pumping… My entire existence for the past week and a half has been surfing. My body is exhausted, [...]
Surf trip a Punta Mango
Cuando un local te dice que las condiciones están perfectas para ir a buscar olas hazle caso. Siempre existirá una posibilidad que su predicción no se cumpla, pero este no [...]
Ultralight Tour in El Salvador
One of the tours offered by Michanti Hotel is the Ultralight Tour in El Salvador. When we were given the possibility of doing this tour in the surroundings of the [...]
El Zonte Community Beach Workouts
The community workouts on the beach of El Zonte are a reality today thanks to coach Iggy’s determination during the 2020 pandemic lockdown. Ignacio ‘Iggy’ Larrea, coach and physical trainer [...]
Medusas Wax Project
The MEDUSAS WAX is a project that originated from Sean Drake (a good friend and guest of Michanti Home of Adventure) and his friends during his first visit to the [...]
Michanti, Tu-chanti, Nuestro-chanti
I sat cross-legged on the floor of my boyfriend‘s room, listening to him ramble about some place (Hotel Michanti), some guy (Felipe), and some super sick surf spot (El Zonte) before I couldn’t take it anymore. I had the itch to take off and see it for myself. I whipped out a laptop, did some research, and about an hour [...]
Bomberos in the coffee fields
My childhood buddy/ex-college roommate Erik calls me up one day and says «I want to come and visit with some of my surfer firefighter friends.» I replied “stoke, let’s do [...]
Barrel Fest at Punta Mango!
El Salvador had been on lockdown for months now and the airport had just announced the re-aperture for Oct 19. Our buddies Benjamin Malin and Jon Macik were anxious to [...]